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Oct 12, 20234 min read
How to Define and Build Your Startup's Company Culture
Here are three tips for shaping a startup culture that ensures your team can reach its goals without falling apart in tough times.

Sep 9, 20234 min read
Is the Startup ‘Cultural Chasm’ Real?
As startups grow and age, employee satisfaction becomes a problem more often than not. Here's how to buck that trend.

Jun 20, 20234 min read
Creating Successful Company Offsites — Location Is Everything
Picking the right location is essential to creating successful company offsite retreats. Get our tips.

Mar 28, 20223 min read
Navigating the Great Resignation
Navigating “The Great Resignation” and Lessons from a Lighter Capital portfolio company, by Melissa Widner, CEO Lighter Capital Nothing...

Nov 26, 20196 min read
Employee Retention Strategies for Tech Startups
For SaaS companies, understanding how to utilize effective employee retention strategies to reduce employee turnover and retain key...

Nov 7, 20193 min read
4 Ways to Protect Your Business From Wage and Hour Lawsuits
In 2017, employers were hit with over 8,200 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) wage and hour lawsuits, largely due to failure to pay the...

Oct 23, 20194 min read
How to Build a Customer Success Team (and When to Scale)
When to invest in a customer success team is a big question for many growing startups. Obviously, happy customers are key to business...

Oct 22, 20194 min read
How to Pick High-Quality Angel Investors
It pays to do your research and know the kind of investment partner you want to take on for the long haul. Look for these 5 qualities.

Feb 17, 20193 min read
When to Hire a Content Marketing Manager for Your Startup
Every business lives or dies by the way it communicates. Whether it’s advertising, press releases, social media, email marketing, or blog...

Feb 11, 20196 min read
Equity Compensation for Startup Employees: Top Mistakes to Avoid
Equity compensation is a great recruiting tool and an effective employee retention strategy for startups and early-stage companies. You...

Jan 30, 201910 min read
Strategies for Raising Capital to Build a Startup Team
Start planning to build your early startup team, how you'll compensate them, and your strategy for raising the capital you need.

Jan 23, 20195 min read
When to Hire Your First Employee (And Who to Hire First)
There are several sets of questions that face every startup entrepreneur in the early days of their business adventure. These include:...

Jan 15, 20196 min read
How to Hire Sales Reps for Your Startup and Ensure Their Success
“Every person in your company is a vector. Your progress is determined by the sum of all vectors.” – Elon Musk Sustainable growth is...

Jan 2, 20195 min read
Why Teams Fail, Part 5: Personal Status Kills a Results-Focused Culture
Sometimes people are happy just being part of the team and the status that brings to them personally. Ensure they're invested in results.

Dec 26, 20184 min read
Why Teams Fail, Part 4: Avoidance of Accountability in the Workplace
This may be the hardest dysfunction to overcome, because it requires a high level of discomfort to accomplish. Read pt. 4 of Why Teams Fail.

Dec 19, 20187 min read
Why Teams Fail, Part 3: Lack of Team Commitment and Buy-In to Decisions
Functional teams break down when there is a lack of commitment to decisions made as a team. Ensure you have both commitment and buy-in.

Dec 12, 20185 min read
Why Teams Fail, Part 2: Fear of Conflict
Next in our series exploring why teams fail, we dive into the fear of conflict and why conflict can actually be good.

Dec 12, 20182 min read
5 Women Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2019
Women are creating some amazing companies these days — taking exciting, new ideas to market and snapping up VC funding in the process. A...

Dec 5, 20188 min read
Why Teams Fail, Part 1: Fear of Being Vulnerable
This is the first of a series of articles in which we discuss why teams fail and how you can prevent it from happening at your startup.

Oct 4, 20183 min read
5 Tips to Help You Hire for Your Startup
Hiring for your SaaS startup can be surprisingly tricky. How do you find someone who’s qualified, a good match for your company culture,...
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